We are currently witnessing a boom in sales of speciality coffee from different origins, each type with its own characteristic flavour, aroma and fragrance. The price of these coffees is not determined by the New York Stock Exchange but rather by their sensory qualities. This opens up a window of opportunity for small-scale farmers to innovate in their production practices, to invest in quality processing of the coffee, and in this way boost their incomes.
Rikolto has tapped into this potential in Peru. For the past five years, our colleague Paola Mercado has coordinated a programme for sustainable and inclusive development of the coffee sector. She has worked closely with the cooperatives Pangoa, APROCASSI and La Prosperidad de Chirinos, and at national and international level with the Peruvian National Coffee Board (JNC) and other key players in the chain.
Today, Paola is leaving Rikolto. But not before she takes time to share the lessons she has learned and make some recommendations. A farewell interview over a cup of coffee!